21.07.2022 Queen of Cups
Thursday: Step up our first royal visitor of this week. We had a king visit on the 13th and I always think of the queens as 13thcard of...
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Thursday: Step up our first royal visitor of this week. We had a king visit on the 13th and I always think of the queens as 13thcard of...
Tuesday: 18=9 = almost there! Energy of our own journey. About compassion, compromises and spirituality. Good, personal achievements....
Thursday: We had the Eight and the Nine of Cups Fri/Wed now we have the Seven. Card of going for our hopes, dreams and wishes. About...
Friday: July has, so far, started off with an amazing array of cards and it keeps going, sharing roughly the same story with some changes...
Wednesday: Yet another wonderful card comes forward for us today. The Universe is bringing us some light to the darkness, some calm in...
Monday: Staying with the suit of Cups and the water element today, we slip back to the six card. Sixes are about balance and harmony,...
Sunday: From a Divine Wish yesterday to the Happy Ever After card today, what’s not to love! Card of a successful relationship,...
Wednesday: What seeds are we planting under the darkness of the new moon? This could literally be seeding the garden or maybe we have...
Wednesday: Today positive change opportunities come riding in with our card It is of things taking a turn for the better. Of opening up...
Wednesday: Our last two energy this week. Twos are about balance, duality and relationships. Choices, decisions and reconciliation. The...
Thursday: I am feeling forward movement for today with published post 1315 = 1 energy, the card being a 2 and the date reducing to 3. It...
Tuesday: Two days of seven energy, of assessment, evaluation and reflection. [Yes we had six energy too but I chose to focus on the...
Sunday: Slipping back into some minor arcana energy up until next Sunday. Seven energy, which was also with us yesterday, is of...
Thursday: We take two steps backward today and find ourselves in a similar energy as yesterday. Where we were being asked to be patient,...
Saturday: Loving the energy around us just now. Yesterday we had the Wish Fulfilment card and today we have the Happy Ever After. Tens...
Wednesday: Staying with water element today we have the number ten which brings us endings and beginnings. This is sometimes known as...
Sunday: King cards are our guide of our authority, leadership and protection. They are of the fire element filing us with confidence and...
Saturday: Also known as the Divine Nudge card. Are we stuck in old emotions, unable to move forward? Are we not happy at what we are...
Friday: From a King to a Queen, and a Queen sandwich with another Queen on Sunday, we will leave the filling till tomorrow! A day when we...
Monday: Stepping backwards doesn’t have to be a negative experience for us. Quite often we are being given the chance to take another...