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  • Writer's picturePatricia Jean Fleming

22.06.2022 Knight of Cups

Shadowscapes Tarot Cards – Pui-Mun Law & Moore

Wednesday: Today positive change opportunities come riding in with our card It is of things taking a turn for the better.

Of opening up to new love which may come in for us through friends, meeting through socialising or at a gathering. This is something solid in an offer we can trust. Card of emotional connectedness, happiness and joy. Of seeking an understanding of emotional or spiritual interests. Sometimes known as The Heart card. If it is not romantic love then it could be love in another guise. An offer or opportunity of something that takes us in a happier direction. Knights are of the air element while Cups are water. The card is linked to the zodiac sign of Pisces and therefore its planetary ruler Neptune. It is of inspiration and oneness, illusion, imagination and psychic sensitivity.

Pisces brings us the balanced traits of compassion and connection, empathy and intuitiveness, mindfulness, present, tranquillity and trust. Later today in the west/ Thursday 24th 01.34 BST we have Venus moving into Gemini. Heather Eland tells us: ‘This particular transit of Venus is going to be fairly nice as Venus will form the first sextile to Jupiter since the two planets conjoined at the Solar Eclipse in Taurus on April 30th. That was an incredibly auspicious eclipse and whatever was set in motion at that time could now begin showing some kind of progress or reward. Venus will also trine Saturn during this transit, which again indicates hard work paying off.

PiMOV: Instagram: LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.comPatricia Jean Fleming Mediterranean Messages Unifyd: Patricia Jean Fleming Website: PP1328

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