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  • Writer's picturePatricia Jean Fleming

Wednesday Weekly Wisdoms 081 – Synchronicities Threefold

Having tried to write this blog both Wednesday and Thursday, today I find out why I was delayed. It was strange when I was writing up the daily card reading for today, it felt different,

Shadowscapes Tarot Cards Pui-Mun Law & Moore

the energy was odd to me but I knew to trust it and go with it; so happy that I have learned to be sure of my connection and trust the flow.

23.10.2020 – Ace of Cups - Friday: Following on nicely, as they do, today we have the Hand of God presenting us with the offer of a new beginning or opportunity. Yesterday we were asked did we’ want to have an easier way of living this life?’ Today we receive the cup of joy and a helping hand to a new start. When we talk of relationships we want you to look beyond the obvious love coupling partnership and think of the multitude of other relationships we have in our lives; including with ourselves. Being in the best place of understanding us, in learning to love ourselves unconditionally, then this opens up positive connections to like-minded people. Philgoodlife’s post re Current Energies etc., on Instagram, yesterday, Thursday, talked about not getting ahead of ourselves with trepidation thoughts, that this was like watering a flower we didn’t want to grow! Similarly, if there are people around us that are not of our energy, then maybe we should ask ourselves why. Life is meant to be joyous and only those who wish to manipulate us would have us believe that it is not.

My first check of social media this morning took me to LinkedIn and Barbara Vercruysse who wrote: . . . ‘We are responsible of the friends we hang out with; Do we allow toxic and negative people in our close environment? Or do we set boundaries and honour ourselves enough to only surround ourselves with supportive, uplifting and positive people?’ . . .

Then, I moved on to Instagram and the first post to fire up at me (patsmedmessages) was philgoodlife and a vlog that he posted 4hours earlier. In this video he shared messages from his guides which included the guidance of removing ourselves from the energy of people who don’t match ours! For me this was my three shout-outs to being made aware of this. But it didn’t stop there. It continues!

The following flagged up via a friend on Messenger. I was already a subscriber to Jason after Lorrie Ladd had featured a video with him, but my notifications from Jason’s channel ‘mysteriously’ had been voided and I had to subscribe again! Jason Shurka has 17.4K subscribers. He shares: ‘Well... since "they" shut down our live stream on YT, here is the full video from the Instagram live show! In this video, Dr. Northrup & I expose certain truths that have been suppressed and censored from the public domain. Enjoy :)’ His video is a talk with Dr Christiane Northrup One of the things they talk about is Bio-symbolic disease and how our body is trying to get our attention to the way we are living our lives and how Transactional Analysis back in the 70’s focused on the Victim (self) - Persecutor (disease) – Rescuer (medicine) way to treat all illness from germs to childhood trauma. We all have personal power within each and every one of us but ‘society’ has chosen to abuse us through encouraging us to live in fear and subsequently we can be manipulated.

The guidance I receive is to take back our personal power and learn a new way of living life, not through war or revolution but personal development that aligns us to unconditional love.

Interestingly as I research and type this up today I am drawn to the clock three times 14:11, 14:14 and 14:44 – increasing 4 energy, i.e. once, twice, thrice, being highlighted to me. 4’s are about: Foundation, stability, stagnation, structure, safety and security. If I feared my safety then I would not write about these things. But, when we have been shown a greater life beyond this life, when we truly can live without fear of death, remove ourselves from the negative ego mind, then we can truly learn to live in unconditional love and truth. Where

people matter more than profit. Joanne at Sacred Scribes Angel Index says of 1444: ‘In following the path that you wish to pursue, go within and be in constant contact with your Higher-Self and bring forward the guidance and insights regarding your next steps and destination.

During pulling all this together today I allow myself to be distracted by a Facebook post from a friend who has written about people’s energy and how it affects us. It was written at 8am yesterday! His quote was from Anthon St Maarten and this is an extended one: “There are only two kinds of people who can drain your energy: those you love, and those you fear. In both instances it is you who let them in. They did not force their way into your aura, or pry their way into your reality experience.”

Powerful energy around us all just now with life changing guidance to start to look within and connect with our personal power to enable us to find a joyous way of living this life journey we are all on together but individually. As Abraham Hicks puts it 'Joy is the key!' & Unconditional Joy

Much love. Namaste, Patricia xx

Facebook: Instagram: LinkedIn: Patricia Jean Fleming Mediterranean Messages Website: YouTube: Mediterranean Messages Direct access to my daily card readings available on your mobile. Download the Wix App to Join: or, if you have the app via Invite code GEL61X.

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