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  • Writer's picturePatricia Jean Fleming

27.10.2020 – XVII The Star

Shadowscapes Tarot Cards Pui-Mun Law & Moore

Tuesday: On the day that Venus moves into Libra and Mercury retrogrades once more and moves back into Libra we have the delightful Star card – the Wish Fulfilment card. Associated to both Aquarius and Virgo, it asks us to shine in our own light, finding who we are and our forward direction.

Although the planet positions do not favour us per se, the card asks us to embrace that the worst of things are over and expect things to get better. A little positive thinking goes a big way!

A time to step into our authentic self letting our inner light shine through. Hold onto our hopes, dreams and visions for now is the time to focus on what we want to see appear for us and our life. For this has a knock on effect to all our family, friends and associates – be conscious of that when we dream of embracing our new potential, our growth and where life is taking us. We need to live our life but we can soften any impact in being aware of how that affects others in our know, valuing our relationships.

Facebook: Instagram: LinkedIn: Patricia Jean Fleming Mediterranean Messages Website: YouTube: Mediterranean Messages

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