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  • Writer's picturePatricia Jean Fleming

23.02.2022Three of Swords

Shadowscapes Tarot Cards – Pui-Mun Law & Moore

Wednesday: Another three and a recent card dropping by again. Last out on the 16th following the Judgement card which we had again on Monday. Mirroring energy is with us following yesterday’s palindrome and other signs I have received recently. We are not only being asked to look closely but to recognise that a mirror image, what we see in a mirror is a reflection of us, but only a physical portrayal when we are so much more. How deep do we go within ourselves to understand who we are? If we ask anyone else then what they see is seen through the lens of all that they have experienced in their life. So too we see through our experience of life when we look at others. This card is one of disappointments, hurts and wounds. A truth we needed to see and gain healing from. Card of detachment, listlessness, bringing closure to something in our lives. When we have suffered emotionally and are ready to put it behind us. The clarity we seek today is to know that all that is past, is in the past, if we choose to let it go! We are not the pain of all that was, if we choose to move beyond it. We can allow it to draw us into an energy of debilitation, or despair, of not being able to live a full life until we finally say, today, I am not that person any more. Each day we are born anew, like the sun that rises on our horizon trying to show us that life continues, whether in this world or the next. Allow ourselves to release anything that does not serve us, that would have us living a heavy life. Let us make peace with all that was and give ourselves a chance each day to greet the new day in the best version of ourselves. Card of Saturn, achievement, mastery and responsibility in Libra, balance, equality and harmony. A day to master our own harmony.

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