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  • Writer's picturePatricia Jean Fleming

20.05.2022 Ten of Pentacles

Shadowscapes Tarot Cards – Pui-Mun Law & Moore

Friday: Staying in minor arcana energy for the next few days and more one energy coming forward for us with the 10=1.

Tens are about endings and beginnings. Of completion, the end of a cycle, perfection. Of adaptability, confidence, determination and individuality. Card that guides us that our ancestors are watching over us. When we open our heart to understand unconditional love, we get an understanding of our afterlife. We do not fear it for we know that we will be embraced in the love of our family. So believe that we are supported on this difficult journey here on earth. Any difficulties we have are usually to grow us, to move us onto a better path. Let us be open to the assistance that we are being sent and flow with it. Card of capability to manifest, of great knowledge, strength and will. This may be a solid committed relationship making its way towards us. Remembering that it is not always about romantic relationships. But it could be! Linked to the planet Mercury in the zodiac sign of Virgo. Mercury is currently retrograde going direct again Sun/Mon depending on our position in the world. The planet of communication, this is often affected when in retrograde. Mercury is the ruler of Virgo and Gemini. Virgo is about assisting, bettering, enhancing, growing, helping, improving and organising. Today the Sun moves into Gemini. We bring our own difficulties into play when we try to swim against the tide.

PiMOV: Instagram: LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.comPatricia Jean Fleming Mediterranean Messages Unifyd: Jean Fleming Website:

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