Wednesday: 3rd (third) day of Cups energy and another two to follow so today we have a King sized sandwich! Our King is top of his suit, he has taken himself on the long passage from the Ace of Cups (which he now holds) to the pinnacle of his journey. On his travels he has learned to master his mind and emotions.
In the card he is depicted in communication with a seahorse which
Ted Andrews in Animal Speak tells us symbolises chivalry. He knows of his worth through his achievements and magnanimity of his noble conduct. tell us that seahorse are: ’calm and mild creatures who are content being who they are. This is perhaps the greatest seahorse symbolism, and they urge others to be equally as comfortable with themselves.’ We could all learn a great deal from that; are we comfortable with who we are today? Can we take a leaf (page) from the Kings book and find out how to bring happiness into our life? Learn to rise above anything that is out with our control, look within to what makes us happy,
and find a way to engage with it.
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