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  • Writer's picturePatricia Jean Fleming

09.09.2021 Two of Wands

Shadowscapes Tarot Cards – Pui-Mun Law & Moon

Thursday: A step back to a two today but back into beginning energy with the Wands, the first suit of the Minor Arcana. Associated to the Sun sign of Aries and the planet Mars. Mars, Ruler of Aries is about action and desire, initiation and self-assertion. Linked to Aries we receive the new energy as in Aries being the first sign of the Zodiac and sits perfectly as we start to move out of the darkness of the new moon. A lot of fresh and new energy assisting us today. Mars currently sits in the sign of Virgo but only for another few days as it moves on the 15th into Libra. So from possibly taking on too much but being able to get a lot done with the Virgo energy we will move into Libra where we may find possible procrastination and a slowing down of our energy.

This card is about us being empowered to take action today, to make life choices to bring in positive change to our lives, having listened to our intuition.

We may be at a crossroads but we are in our power to see to what we want and the potentiality of a new path. What did we wish for on the new moon? Now we take our world in our hands and shape it as we would want it to be. A card that asks us to take our power back, to make those difficult decisions and be fired up so we are ready for the unknown.

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