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  • Writer's picturePatricia Jean Fleming

08.07.2021 Five of Cups

Shadowscapes Tarot Cards-Mun Law & Moore

Thursday: One day up, the next day down. Life has us teeter tottering or, sea sawing through this week. Fives are about change, about instability and unsettling energy. Cups are about emotions, feelings and relationships. Therefore we may see some emotional conflict or disagreements coming to the fore today, people can find change and challenge intense and difficult to see beyond. We can be held in the past and not willing to change, yet, change is the most natural thing in life, see how we grow from a baby, into a child, into a youth, young adult etc. Let us look beyond any current stuck situations we may find ourselves in. One thing is certain, if we hold ourselves in the energy of negativity then we do not serve our best selves. Life is not about looking back but forward and living in the now. This is the card of our war mongering planet Mars in the Sun sign of Scorpio today again. The Shadowscapes Companion book tells us that: ‘The Five of Cups wallows in regret and loss. It is rejection of pleasure, feeling sorrow, and wishing for what might have been’. Do not let us reject pleasure today but expect it both today and in the days, weeks, months, years ahead. Why not? Let’s just do it, find the pleasures in life and give gratitude for them no matter how small they are.

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