Wednesday: From the Devil to the dancer of the oceans, today the Queen of Cups ingratiates us with her royal appearance asking us to find ourselves in the flow.
She brings forward a caring, maternal, mature, experienced energy. Know how far we have come on our life journey and take time to nurture ourselves as it is one of the hardest things we, as energy, can do. A lady of intuitive qualities while we are still in the shadow of the last of three eclipses until December; giving us closer access to universal energies. The Shadowscape Companion book tells us that: ‘The very being of the Queen of Cups is a creative nexus [connection]. She is poetry in motion, imagination incarnate. She can dance upon the swells of the ever-shifting ever-changing seas in unison with the dance of life that engages all of the world and its creatures around her.’
Do you feel yourself relating to the bigger picture of life or are we wearing blinkers only choosing to see that which is in front of us? There is so much more!
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