Wednesday: You might think that jumping back from the energy of the King of Cups yesterday to the Three today is a backward step, but if it is good enough for the planets that ‘appear’ to go retrograde, then why don’t we embrace that energy and allow ourselves to revisit old ground?
Today, I am feeling we should be revisiting happy times and occasions. At Guided Meditation group recently I was guided to ask everyone to make a list of ten things that make them happy, so that when you are feeling ‘down’ you can pull out that list and feel into the energy of it, remembering the essence of the happy things.
Feel into them in mind, body and soul.
You do not serve yourself being in negativity. Sometimes it can happen to make us aware of something, but, if it is a learned behaviour as in believing it is a way we should be, then that is a big NO from the Universe.
Life is meant to be joyful.
Celebrate your full cups.
Instagram: Facebook: Website: LinkedIn: Patricia Jean Fleming, Mediterranean Messages