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  • Writer's picturePatricia Jean Fleming

02.09.2021 Nine of Swords

Shadowscapes Tarot Cards – Pui-Mun Law & Moon

Thursday: We seem to be in some real heavy energy this week and how we let that affect us will either lessen or amplify it. On Tuesday we had the eight of swords and today we are moved on to the nine, the ‘almost there’ number in the suits.

This card is about feeling loss of control, restlessness, nervous energy. It is about despair and negative thinking, where we allow negativity to enter the mind. These are learned behaviours and anything learned can be unlearned. The first thing is to recognize when we ‘slump’ or slip into that energy. Recognizing it is a beginning to start to change that downward spiraling pattern into an upward motion. Start with small things. Think about things that make you smile. Think about things that you can be grateful for. It is about putting things in perspective so that we can see our way forward by ‘getting out of our mind’ control. We are all blessed with individual power and we need to use that power to learn to master our minds. To allow us to think how we want to think and not because others tell us that is the way we should think. No one walks in our shoes but us.

Linked to the planet Mars in the Sun sign of Gemini. Today we need to allow ourselves as well as show to others some compassion.

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