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  • Writer's picturePatricia Jean Fleming

01.04.2022 Three of Pentacles

Shadowscapes Tarot Cards – Pui-Mun Law & Moore

Friday: Day of the Aries new moon at 06.24 BST (GMT+1hr) bringing new beginnings for us as it is on the first day of the month and also in the first sign of the zodiac. It is a great day to set intentions and manifest all that we want for ourselves at this time. I always say let us be careful for what we wish for. We could ask never to cry again but what about tears of happiness? Card of creation of something new. Control over personal energies and focus. Starting ambitious projects. Manifesting something new and appreciating our own skills and experience to bring positive change into our lives. Focusing on money and career, on building a stable foundation by making practical progress, one step at a time and not being so proud as not to accept help from others. Rebuilding our life, home etc. Putting our energies in the right direction. Beginning of material success and teamwork, collaboration. Setting up a business, partnership or project. Beginning to bring reward for our past efforts. A day to take charge of our lives, to be pioneering without ego. Be compassionate of others, encourage them to use the energy of today to assist them to start something new too. Card of the planet Mars in the earth element zodiac sign of Capricorn. Mars gives us action and desire, self assertion and initiation, instincts and power. Mars is the ruler of Aries where our new moon is today. Capricorn grounds us, it is a committed sign, dedicated, persistent and responsible. Let us adopt these traits today.

PiMOV: Instagram: LinkedIn: Patricia Jean Fleming Mediterranean Messages Website: YouTube: Mediterranean Messages Donations:

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