Thursday: First of two nine cards and today from the Pentacles suit. Having two nines appear concurrently, adds to the energy of that number which is about almost being there, at the end of our current 'journey'. It is also associated with compassion, compromises and spirituality; leading as a positive example. The card represents someone standing in their own light and, as this card can be about relationships, it is about understanding the personal self, independence that exists, even in relationships. We all need to be in our own power so that we can be in the best place to enhance any relationships.
The card is associated with planet Venus in Sun sign Virgo. Venus has just left Virgo (in real time) and moved into its home of Libra (also at home in Taurus). Venus is the planet of love. She governs what we value and the pleasure we get from life. Like the lady in our card today, lost in her daydreams of the future while fulfilling her creative talent and making music. What will we find to make our heart sing today?
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