Friday: Second of our two royal visitors this week and a breath of fresh air with our Page today. Can you feel the youthful enthusiasm of the energy in this card?
A message is being sent to us today through this card of our free spirit.
Another card associated to new beginnings and rebirth; of the phoenix rising from the ashes, riding on the waves of incoming energy from the cosmos.
Are we open to receive? We are still within the energy of the total lunar eclipse and full moon of Wednesday, how are we engaging with it to assist us in our way ahead? This card of assurance and confidence is asking us to step into our creative passion. The Shadowscapes Companion book asks us: ‘. . .to delve within and seek the opportunities that may be frightening but have so much potential. Sometimes the actions that push us to the limits of comfort are the most rewarding. . . Action is what is important.’ What action will we take today? Card of earth energy of the Pages alongside the fire energy of the Wands. Let us use this to assist us as we step forward on our journey of life and living in the here and the now. A day not to put off to tomorrow, that which we can do today. What will we do today?
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