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  • Writer's picturePatricia Jean Fleming

23.07.2021 Four of Wands

Shadowscapes Tarot Cards – Pui-Mun Law & Moon

Friday: Feels like our hard work and attention to the guidance we have been receiving have brought us to this happy place - today we have the Happy Home card. A card of balance between personal will and relationships. Of innocent love, fun loving, concord, harmony, peace and prosperity. A card that congratulates us on reaching a milestone. Let us remember though that prosperity requires to be maintained, requires us not to fall into complacency; ‘the show will go on, the fire must remain lit.’ Also known as the 11:11 card, the number 1 x the energy of 4 bringing us new beginnings, a shift or change; an epiphany. We are being guided from the ‘other side’ through coincidences and synchronicities.

Card of the planet of love, Venus in the baby of the zodiac, the first Sun sign which is Aries. Enterprising and independent with innocent charm. A day for activity and energy. Be direct, honest, open, playful and spontaneous. A day of celebration, ‘of letting go of any limitations and embracing the freedom being offered.’ Today in the cosmos the Perseid Meteor Shower starts, ending Fri Aug 20 2021. Peaking around 12th/13th Aug. ‘Meteor showers symbolize beauty rising from ashes, says Lang. "Meteor showers represent the spiritual insights and wisdom gained from looking deep within the shadows of ourselves and our world. They also invite us to create new ideas and beliefs. They’re like little bursts of aha moments," she explains.’ What a meteor shower means for your zodiac sign | Well+Good (

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