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  • Writer's picturePatricia Jean Fleming

22.04.2022 Ten of Pentacles

Shadowscapes Tarot Cards – Pui-Mun Law & Moore

Friday: Turning around and dropping back to the Ten of Pentacles today, staying with the earth element energy. Since the 23rd of March we have had all the tens appear except for this one; it follows two days of the Pentacles suit. Sometimes we have to go back to go forward, retrace our steps to highlight things we may have missed or left undone. Tens are of completion, the end of a cycle and of perfection. Tens are our first double figure number that portray new beginnings as well as endings with the one and the zero respectively. For every ending there is always a new beginning for this is the cycle of life. Change is the spiral that picks us up and moves us on. Card of great knowledge and a strong capability to manifest will.

A card that tells us our Ancestors watch over us. It is also a card of a solid and committed relationship. Any relationship should enhance both parties involved, one sided will always list like a sinking ship. Card of the planet Mercury showing itself to us once more and today in the earth element sign of Virgo. We had this coupling with us on Monday with a Nine energy, today we have moved on to a Ten. Have we seen things shift for us since then? Mercury is about rationalising and thinking, communication and perception. Virgo brings us the traits of assisting, bettering, improving and organizing. It feels like we gain a better footing today to move forward from.

PiMOV: Instagram: LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.comPatricia Jean Fleming Mediterranean Messages Unifyd: Jean Fleming Website:

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