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  • Writer's picturePatricia Jean Fleming

20.09.2020 – Page of Pentacles

Shadowscapes Tarot Cards Pui-Mun Law & Moore

Sunday: A day for being grounded with the double earth energy from the Page and from the Pentacles. Have you been out for a walk today? Even if you cannot physically get outside into nature then try a guided meditation taking you into your favourite place to be and away from technology for a while. Open your windows (if possible) and let the outside into your living environment. Take this time to ruminate on what makes your heart sing. Focus on yourself and how you can be your best self then this is what others receive in being with you or around you. The Page brings us a message of a new window of opportunity being opened up for us. Don’t you want to be in the best place to receive it? Now would be a good time to spend time on you with your future success as your focus. Are you ready to move forward on a new path? What can you do in preparation now? No pressure, go at your own pace. The more excited you are the easier everything will flow. Use that energy as guidance as to whether you are on the right track.

Facebook: Instagram: LinkedIn: Patricia Jean Fleming Mediterranean Messages Website: YouTube: Mediterranean Messages

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