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  • Writer's picturePatricia Jean Fleming

20.04.2022 Knight of Pentacles

Shadowscapes Tarot Cards – Pui-Mun Law & Moore

Wednesday: Staying with air element today from the Knight and receiving earth element from the Pentacles. Card of focus and hard work but we are finding our direction. Of patience and perseverance, opening up to, or taking action on an opportunity. Card of enterprise and industriousness, planning for material stability. Dare to dream, we can make it happen! Card of positive change and good news in terms of loans, money and in furthering ourselves financially, something we are working towards. Linked to the zodiac sign of Virgo which is an earth element, it is ruled by the planet Mercury which is more of a Page energy than that of the Knight. Since the Sun moves into Taurus today I will use that earth element for this card and its ruler, the planet Venus continuing the energy of yesterday’s reading. The Sun is about our sense of purpose and rules. About self-expression and vitality. The Sun moves into Taurus at 03.24am BST (GMT +1hr). Heather Eland shares: ‘Taurus is the sign of abundance and the Sun’s transit here is to shine a light on the bounty of the earth and the reliance we humans have on Mother Nature. . . This Taurus season is going to be a time when it is strongly advised to be prepared for anything and do your best to remain grounded in the midst of a lot of change and potential chaos.’

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