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  • Writer's picturePatricia Jean Fleming

19.09.2020 – XIV Temperance

Shadowscapes Tarot Cards Pui-Mun Law & Moore

Saturday: Another nice follow on as today we are guided from the Major Arcana. Allow the timing of things to come to fruition in its own time. Any time we try to control or try to make things happen then we create friction that puts the brakes on the natural flow. You can get yourself ready to move on to new adventures, so that when the time is right you are ready to embrace the opportunity when it comes calling. Make peace between your heart and mind. Your heart will not create any drama but your mind is likely to. When you learn to quiet the ‘monkey mind’ then you can learn to find a beautiful balance between heart and mind which brings you to peace and freedom of being. This state of being makes having patience an easy virtue to embrace. This in turn assists us to find our way forward through change as and when it comes calling. Temperance is linked to the planet Jupiter which is known as the ‘lucky planet’. With all that has been happening this year so far we surely have arms open to receive all the luck available to us.

Facebook: Instagram: LinkedIn: Patricia Jean Fleming Mediterranean Messages Website: YouTube: Mediterranean Messages

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