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  • Writer's picturePatricia Jean Fleming

17.06.2019 – Nine of Pentacles

Shadowscapes Tarot Cards Pui-Mun Law & Moore

Monday: Now you have an idea of what is ahead of you and you are lifting your eyes to marvel at it while you create your music on the grand piano that has miraculously appeared for you.

Yet, you realise that it must have been there a long time as a tree grows through it and a large fossilised shell has been placed as a seat for those willing to ‘have a go’.

This could be something you have never done or experienced before but the energy of it feels as old and endless as the fossil or the aging tree whose trunk has split to incorporate the instrument.

It may have been a difficult path while adjusting but it didn’t kill the tree nor does it threaten you.

It is an opportunity to grow in a new way, yet still to follow your path.

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