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  • Writer's picturePatricia Jean Fleming

11.11.2021 Queen of Cups

Shadowscapes Tarot Cards – Pui-Mun Law & Moore

Thursday: Yesterday we had balancing double fire energy, today we have the double water from the Queen of Cups. Do we feel the message from the cards i.e. 2 fire = 11 and 2 water = 11 therefore 11:11? *Earth Energy Medicine tells us that: ‘11 is one of the master numbers and is related to spirituality, illumination, and a balancing of opposites. . . . With the numbers 11/11 your inner being is calling you to remember that YOU ARE DIVINE! When you connect with the idea it is the first part of the process but when you actually FEEL Divine, that is when your entire being is energised, propelled forward into expansion and ascension, allowing for you to move closer to greater joy & harmony. ‘ Today is about being able to look at things in a different way and understanding where we need to place our energy now. Protective energy, protect self, be protected. It is about the energy of maternal care. Nurturing of the emotional and spiritual interests. So a nice fit between that and the date today of 11th November. It is of coming back to who we are. Of reaching an understanding of what is important to us in terms of love, family and our sanctuary from the challenges of the external world. Today we need to listen to our intuition and follow its guidance. Linked to the Moon in zodiac sign of Cancer. *

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