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  • Writer's picturePatricia Jean Fleming

05.03.2021 Four of Cups

Shadowscapes Tarot Cards-Mun Law & Moore

Friday: Second four this week with a return to Cups energy and Moon in Cancer. (Tuesday we had four of wands.) This card is known as the Divine Nudge Card. Where in our lives do we need to allow ourselves to be pushed out of our comfort zones and embark on something that we know needs to be started? Cups are about emotions, feelings and relationships so think about that area of our lives and what needs ‘nudged’ - what is holding us back? Are we learning to listen to our intuition rather than the monkey mind that lives in what ifs, should haves and could haves? Now is the time for us to act. We are supported by the Moon in Cancer. Moon energy is about reflection and it is at home in the sign that it rules – Cancer. Know your boundaries and stick to them, don’t let others use manipulation to change your mind! Look at what you give to life and situations and expect no less in return. We all deserve to find stability if that is what we seek. Let us lighten up any heavy energy with a bit of humour today. Move out of introspection and be open to our intuition instead. Let us embrace that Divine nudge and take that leap of faith that is calling to us today.

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