Sometimes we can become a little blasé when things go well for us.
We can retreat into the ‘Gollum’ state of being protective of what we know or believe to be rightly ours; an inherited belief that there are ‘belongings’ that we can’t live without.
Remember the guidance from Tuesday’s card. Instead of closing yourself down into this needy energy, make a list of what you truly need to live – then look at that list again, do you really ‘need’ everything on it? We are not talking about wants here, just needs.
This closed off way of living is not the free flow of what life is about. Life is about change and creation, going forwards and onwards, not shutting ourselves off from the world like Scrooge, counting the pennies, making a conscious note of our belongings that, in having, we need to protect from being taken by others!
Embrace a positive yet freedom based way of being where we are grateful for all that we have and yet allow ourselves to dream for it is possible that some of these dreams may actually come true.
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