Monday: The third day in a row that we have a major arcana card (and another two to follow in the days ahead).
*Biddy Tarot explains that these cards: represent the life lessons, karmic influences and the big archetypal themes that are influencing your life and your soul’s journey to enlightenment.
As today’s card is The World, I ask you to consider what is influencing your life and soul’s journey in the World you find yourself living in today?
Do you add to the negative energies with your predominance of fear, or see past that charade as the picture others would have us paint so they can benefit?
Is it time to push aside the ‘wool’ that has been blocking our real view of life here on Earth?
The World card is the 'top of the deck'. We don't 'need' to go any further while we are living here on Earth.
As there are no true destination as such,we may find we have to continually start out on another exploration. For, it is said, 'it is not about the destination, it is all about the journey!
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