05.07.2022 Ace of Wands
Tuesday: First card of the minor arcana. The Aces are gifts from the Universe bringing us new beginning energy and potential. This fire...
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Tuesday: First card of the minor arcana. The Aces are gifts from the Universe bringing us new beginning energy and potential. This fire...
Monday: Staying with the suit of Cups and the water element today, we slip back to the six card. Sixes are about balance and harmony,...
Sunday: From a Divine Wish yesterday to the Happy Ever After card today, what’s not to love! Card of a successful relationship,...
Saturday: Last out on the 5th of June, a revisit reminding us of where we were then, just under a month ago. Yesterday was about change,...
Friday: This card I call the Avenging Angel. It brings in disruptive yet visionary energy. Fives are about change. Life is about growth....
Thursday: This uplifting card asks us to action and focus in line with our joy and passion. Of putting a new plan into action, promise of...
Wednesday: What seeds are we planting under the darkness of the new moon? This could literally be seeding the garden or maybe we have...
Tuesday: Card of holding onto things, old hurts, wounds, anxiety, disappointment, clinging energy. Of placing our focus in the wrong...
Monday: A big but easy jump from the two to the King today. We are getting better at pulling ourselves back from negativity. The Kings...
Sunday: More two energy today after our doubles etc. yesterday. This card indicates that we may be feeling stuck, not being able to see a...
Saturday: Two Pages together side by side, yesterday and today. Both talking of communication, an invitation or an opportunity. Maybe...
Friday: The Pages give us the energy of youthful enthusiasm and a ‘go for it’ spur or prod to move us on. They are the first of the...
Thursday: # Here Comes the Sun do n do da # Are you singing too? Many of us enjoy the sun on our skin, nourishing us (not overdoing it –...
Wednesday: Today positive change opportunities come riding in with our card It is of things taking a turn for the better. Of opening up...
Tuesday: Back with five energy today. This card is one of lack, of rejection, losing ourselves to negativity. The problem with that is...
Monday: On a day when the date reduces to five we have the five of the major arcana and another five tomorrow. Fives are of challenges...
Sunday: Ten is the energy of completion, of endings and new beginnings. We have achieved, gained mastery over our being, career, finance,...
Saturday: Today we have one of the messengers of the tarot, this could bring us an invitation or an opportunity. The Pages give us the...
Friday: One card on from yesterday’s five we have reached a level of achievement. Card of being in our own power, knowing what we are...
Thursday: A change to the Wands suit today blows our way and, as always, we can see it as a negative or a positive card. I call this one...
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